Mapping the elastic properties of two-dimensional MoS2 via bimodal atomic force microscopy and finite element simulation
Yuhao Li, Chuanbin Yu, Yingye Gan, Peng Jiang, Junxi Yu, Yun Ou, Dai-Feng Zou, Cheng Huang, Jiahong Wang, Tingting Jia, Qian Luo, Xue-Feng Yu, Huijuan Zhao, Cun-Fa Gao & Jiangyu Li
Elasticity is a fundamental mechanical property of two-dimensional (2D) materials, and is critical for their application as well as for strain engineering. However, accurate measurement of the elastic modulus of 2D materials remains a challenge, and the conventional suspension method suffers from a number of drawbacks. In this work, we demonstrate a method to map the in-plane Young’s modulus of mono- and bi-layer MoS2 on a substrate with high spatial resolution. Bimodal atomic force microscopy is used to accurately map the effective spring constant between the microscope tip and sample,
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